Your Personal IT Support
Gary’s Computer Repair Service Providing IT support for people in Dublin for over 20 years
Gary’s Computer Repair Service team have over 20 years of experience with laptop repairs and personal IT solutions.
Gary’s Computer Repair Service is your personal IT support. We repair laptops, computers, screens and hard drives, update your computers and devices and help with building custom computers.
We have 7am-11pm support 365 days a year from our locations across Dublin City and we offer drop-off and collection services so you can get the support you need when you need it, wherever you are.
Computer Repairs and IT Support Dublin
We always do our best for our customers, so you know that your device and your data is in safe hands.
Home office and WFH
Working remotely for the foreseeable future? We offer a full work from home set up package to ensure your home office runs smoothly. Working from home can be challenging, so we can help with a range of solutions like providing new equipment such as noise-cancelling headphones or webcams for desktops that help your work from home meetings run more smoothly.
Computer maintenance, repairs & update
We offer a range of computer repairs services in Dublin along with computer and laptop maintenance. Whether you find your laptop is running slowly or just want the latest security updates, we can run a full diagnostic to establish how your hardware and software can be improved or upgraded.
Computer & device setup
When you’re setting up a new computer or device, we can help with moving files such as programs, photos and backups from your old device. We can also set you up with a new hard drive for backup, as well as hardware like monitors, speakers, headphones, keyboards and anything else you might need.
Custom built computers/gaming computers
If you’re thinking about buying a custom-built computer or a gaming computer talk to us today. We can identify what specifications you need and can work within your budget to get the best computer for your needs.
For gaming computers, you will need powerful graphics cards, memory, cooling systems and hardware like headsets, 4k screens, mice and keyboards.
Talk to us today and we’ll work with you to build the best gaming experience possible.
Remote support
With our remote support over the phone, we can walk you through updates or checks you can run at home. We can also deliver this via Team Viewer, which allows us to remotely access your computer to run updates, install software or configure new printers or wifi networks.
Team Viewer is fully encrypted and only runs when you give us permission. So you maintain full control over access to your computer*.
*You can download Team Viewer directly with us, and we will never call you up to download this separately.
Contact Gary’s Computer Repairs Service Today
Contact Gary’s Computer Repairs Service about your personal IT support, laptop repairs and gaming computers today. We can fix your laptop problems, build your custom machine and help improve your business wifi, upgrade and maintain your work laptop and get your team up to speed as soon as possible.
Useful Tip
If you’re looking for a speed update for your online gaming, here are some tips to get the most out of your network:
Reboot your router if you haven’t done so in a week or more
Ensure your router is running the latest firmware since newer firmware can optimize and patch the router
Connect a computer directly to the modem with an ethernet cable and run a SpeedTest. If your speeds are not what you’re supposed to be getting, contact your ISP
If possible, connect your computer or console to your router with a cable
If a wired connection isn’t possible, look at getting hardline wifi extenders - these will run wifi through your power sockets, giving you a better connection at the other end of your house
Consider getting a new router designed to handle multiple devices and set up specifically for gaming
If you’d like help setting up your network or upgrading your hardware contact us through our website, or call
For useful hints and tips like this, follow us on Facebook and Instagram